Transforming Lives: The Remarkable Benefits of Shock Wave ED Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction

July 12, 2024

Men's Health

Transforming Lives: The Remarkable Benefits of Shock Wave ED Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Transforming Lives: The Remarkable Benefits of Shock Wave ED Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction
You might be thinking whether erectile dysfunction (ED) is curable or not. There may be other questions in your mind about this medical condition like its treatment, Shock Wave ED therapy, natural remedies, and surgical methods. Erectile dysfunction is one of the common problems that occurs in males. However, it is noticeable only during sexual intercourse. So, this leaves you with a doubt whether or not you are suffering from it. To clear your confusion further, go through this guide till the end.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is one of the conditions that make it difficult to maintain an erection for a long time during sex. If the problem of erection is not for a longer time, there’s nothing to worry about. But some males have it frequently, and it doesn’t go away with any home remedy. That’s when it becomes a concerning issue and you should talk to your doctor to know the cause and treatment. Erectile dysfunction is generally diagnosed in men aged 40–70 years. Also, it is associated with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). So, it’s a common sex-related medical condition, but some clinicians might misdiagnose it. Hence, you should be aware of the causes, symptoms, and treatment protocol made for erectile dysfunction before you come to any conclusion.

Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is a prevailing disorder in aging men, especially those who are under risk factors like:
  • Tobacco chewing
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Diabetes mellitus (both Type I and Type II)
  • Anxiety
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Lack of exercise
  • Coronary heart disease
  • <55 years of age
  • Class I or II stable angina
High-risk factors of erectile dysfunction are mentioned below:
  • Moderate to severe vascular disease
  • Uncontrolled hypertension
  • Severe cardiomyopathy
  • High-risk arrhythmias
  • Class III-IV heart failure
  • Recent myocardial infarction (within 2 weeks)
  • Unstable or refractory angina
If you can prevent these risk factors, you’ll not get this dysfunction. Will shockwave ed therapy cure this sensitive body issue? Let’s see! No, wait, don’t jump up to the treatment section, as causes are also important to know.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

There may be a lot of possible causes of erectile dysfunction. To know what has affected your body, you must read all the reasons mentioned in this section.
  • Inadequate blood flow to maintain erection.
  • Difficulty in electrical impulse transmission from the nervous system.
  • Poor testosterone creation and release by glands or testosterone deficiency.
  • High cholesterol
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
Some rare causes of erectile dysfunction are as follows:
  • Injury due to pelvic surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Penile fracture
  • Injury in the bladder, spinal cord at lower vertebra level, prostate, and pelvis bones like the sacrum, tailbone, and hip bone.
Erectile dysfunction due to side effects of certain medications for the following diseases:
  • Diuretics
  • Blood pressure medications
  • Antidepressants
  • Drugs for Parkinson’s
  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Antianxiety
  • Sedative
  • Antiseizure
  • Muscle relaxants

Shockwave ED Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction

Shockwave ed therapy is a revolutionary treatment for this dysfunction, as per research. It has unique properties to improve the condition without any side or unwanted effects. This treatment is now being adopted by most healthcare professionals and has become a standard care for men. How does this therapy work to treat erectile dysfunction? A small device is used that transmits sound waves to the tissues around the penis. This increases the blood flow to the affected area and stimulates the healing process. More often low-intensity shock waves are used to develop new blood vessels necessary for penile erections. Shockwave therapy for ed

Is Shockwave ED Therapy Effective For Erectile Dysfunction?

The main advantage of Shock Wave ED therapy is that it restores erectile function without harming the surrounding tissues. Also, the use of medication like sildenafil along with this therapy is not mandatory. Some prefer taking medications but they are not aware of their unwanted effects. On the other hand, people who take this Shock Wave ED therapy need to undergo a series of treatments for months. The treatment time for 1 session is not more than 15-20 minutes. Some experts say that the Shock Wave ED therapy should be taken for at least 1 or 2 years.

Candidates For Shockwave ED Therapy

Shock Wave ED therapy is safe for all men and works best for the ones who have mild erectile dysfunction.
  • People who don’t respond to any medications.
  • Individuals who want to try regenerative therapy.
  • The patient is not interested in taking any medicine.
If you have been diagnosed with severe Erectile Dysfunction with risk factors, then you may not get satisfactory treatment with Shock ED therapy. Before you think about taking this therapy, consult your doctor and know the severity of the disease.

What Would Happen After The Shock ED Therapy?

After completion of this therapy, you can safely drive yourself to your home. It would be better if you find Shock Wave therapy for ED near me and visit a nearby professional. However, your doctor might recommend you take ibuprofen or acetaminophen so that you don’t experience any form of pain in the affected area. Unlike surgeries, you can also get back to your daily routine activities the next day of your treatment. Some doctors restrict you from doing certain activities after shockwave therapy.

Risks Of Shockwave ED Therapy

There are chances of getting rare side effects from this therapy, and these may include:
  • Bleeding or bruising at the site of the procedure.
  • Pain around penile tissues.
  • Pain during erection
  • Noticeable blood in the urine
  • The curvature of the penis might be affected
To know more, schedule an appointment with the best urologist by searching Shock Wave therapy for ED near me on Chrome.

Cost Of Shockwave ED Therapy

As this therapy has been recently introduced in the healthcare field, the cost of it differs. It is not covered by insurance but your doctor might recommend it before medicines. You can discuss the cost of Shock Wave ED therapy with your urologist. In America, it is around $2,400 for 6 sessions. The regimen will depend on the type of dysfunction and sessions you take.

Shockwave ED Therapy: Transforming Lives

There is no doubt that the Shock Wave ED therapy is transforming lives in quite a fascinating manner. It is not only helping people to overcome the issue of erectile dysfunction but also helping them to lead a happy and better life. While this needs multiple sessions, the results offered are long-lasting and without any side effects that can impact the patient in the life later on. Men who undergo this therapy can often return to their daily activities immediately, with minimal risks or side effects involved. It would be right to say that the Shock Wave ED therapy is more than just a treatment. By improving vascular health and promoting robust erections, this therapy not only improves sexual function but also enhances emotional and physical well-being.


While erectile dysfunction is not an uncommon medical condition, an invasive treatment known as Shock Wave ED therapy would be beneficial. As you start taking its sessions, you will feel better and experience less pain after a few months. The effects may not be permanent, but they are also not harmful to the other tissues of your body. To know more, you should search for Shock Wave therapy for ED near me on Google and get help from a urologist.


1] How Many Shockwave Treatments Do I Need for Erectile Dysfunction?

After six treatment sessions with shockwave ed therapy, you’ll start noticing changes. You’ll experience less pain if you take one session per week.

2] Is Shockwave Ed Therapy Fda Approved?

No, currently it is not FDA approved as various experiments and testing prove that it has effective results on 80% of the total patients.

3] Is There Any Cream for Erectile Dysfunction?

You can use Vitaros to relax the muscles around the penile area and increase blood flow. The effects of ED creams remain for 1-2 hours.

4] What Are the Other New Ed Therapies?

Urologists have been using stem cell regenerative therapy and intracorporeal injections for erectile dysfunction if the symptoms don’t get better with shockwave therapy.

5] Will There Be Any Damage After Getting Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction?

While it is a risk-free treatment, you may get side effects like pain and bleeding from penile tissues. But these are the rare effects of shockwave therapy.
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