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Urinary Tract Infection - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Dec 23, 2022


Urinary Tract Infection - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Urinary Tract Infection - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Your urinary system frequently contracts a UTI infection. Any component of your urinary system, including the urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidneys, might be affected by a UTI. Some causes of urinary tract infection include the desire to urinate frequently, pain during urination, and side or lower back pain. UTI Treatment can firstly be with antibiotics which medication is used and how long you need to take it depends on your health and the type of bacteria discovered in your urine. 

This blog is brought to you by Dr Ashish Saini to gain your attention on this issue. You will get to know everything about Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) from this blog. It covers topics like  UTI causes, UTI symptoms in men and women, how to get rid of  UTI, UTI vs Yeast Infection, etc. Additionally, you can take measures, like home remedies for UTIs or consult a professional to reduce your risk of developing a UTI in the first place.

All about the Urinary System

Let's first wrap our heads around the urinary system of the human body, shall we?

The urinary system is responsible for filtering blood and urination. This system maintains the body's water content. The kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra are the main components of the urinary system. 

    • Kidneys - A pair of bean-shaped organs called kidneys are situated on either side of the mid-dorsal line. The kidneys primarily produce urinary fluid. They also release the hormone erythropoietin, which starts the synthesis of RBCs.

    •  Ureter - Each kidney's pelvis has ureters, which are tubes. From the kidney to the bladder, they carry pee.

    • Urinary Bladder - This organ, which resembles a sac, holds urine.

    • Urethra - The urethra is a tiny, tube-like organ responsible for transporting urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

Types of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI):

Microorganisms or germs, primarily bacteria, cause UTIs. The various UTIs include the following:

    • Urethritis - An infection of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body, is known as urethritis.

    • Cystitis - A bacterial infection frequently spreads from the urethra to the bladder.

    • Pyelonephritis - A urinary tract obstruction or an infection that has travelled up the system can cause pyelonephritis, an infection of the kidneys. Urine can backflow into the ureters and kidneys due to a blockage in the urinary system.

Symptoms of UTI

UTI can happen in both men and women. UTI symptoms in men are different from those in women. Let's see the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection in men and women separately- 

What causes UTI in women:

Women are much more likely than men to develop UTIs. Women are more prone to UTIs than males for various reasons, including anatomical variations and stages of a woman's reproductive life cycle. Let's look at the reasons that cause UTI in women 

    • Having a scorching or painful urge to urinate (dysuria)

    • Requiring more frequent nighttime bathroom visits (nocturia)

    • Pee that is opaque, dark, or smells strong

    • Quick or very urgent desire to urinate

    • Having more frequent urination

    • Back discomfort or ache under your rib cage in your lower abdomen

    • A fever or experiencing a heated, shaky feeling

    • Low temperature, less than 36C

UTI symptoms in men:

Urinary tract infections are more common in women but can occur in men as well. Some of the urinary tract infection (UTI) symptoms in men include -:

    • Frequent urination

    • Intense and persistent urge to urinate

    • Burning or tingling during or immediately after urination

    • Mild fever

    • Strong odour cloudy urine

    • Hematuria

    • Difficulty urinating, especially if you have prostate problems.

urinary tract infection treatment by dr ashish saini

 Urinary tract infection Causes:

The most common Urinary tract infection caused is when bacteria enter the urinary tract via the urethra and start to increase in the bladder. It is the purpose of the urinary system to keep bacteria out. But sometimes, the defences fall apart. If that occurs, germs may establish a foothold and become severe urinary system infections.

The bladder and urethra are the most commonly affected areas by urinary tract infection causes which primarily affect women.

    • A bladder infection

 Escherichia coli typically cause this type of UTI (E. coli). A prevalent form of bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is E. coli. But occasionally, other microbes are to blame. Although you don't have to be sexually active to get a bladder infection, having sex can certainly cause one. Due to the anatomy of women, they are all susceptible to bladder infections. The urethra is near the anus in females. Additionally, the bladder is close to the urethral entrance. This facilitates the entry of microorganisms around the anus into the urethra and subsequent passage to the bladder.

    • Urethral infection

The second urinary tract infection caused is a Urethral infection. Anus to urethra transmission of GI bacteria can result in this kind of UTI. Sexually transmitted infections can also result in an infection of the urethra. They include mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and herpes. Women's urethras are located close to the vagina, which makes this possible.

UTI vs Yeast Infection

Both urinary tract infections and yeast infections can cause pain when urinating, but they can occur for various reasons. The main difference between UTI vs Yeast Infection is that in yeast infections, the inflamed outer areas of the vaginal area come into contact with urine. Then it becomes inflamed. However, urinary tract infections cause pain because the inner urethra becomes inflamed with the infection. 

Let's discuss UTI vs. Yeast Infection in more detail.

Infections of any section of the urinary tract, such as the urethra, bladder, ureters, or kidneys, are known as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Different regions of the body are impacted by yeast infections in various ways. The mouth, oesophagus, vagina, skin, and bloodstream may all be impacted. In comparison to a UTI, vaginitis is being discussed.
Most often, E. coli bacteria, but occasionally, other bacteria, viruses, or fungi can be too responsible. The fungus called Candida albicans is responsible for yeast infections.
Some of the causes could be Simple cystitis, often known as a lower urinary tract infection, characterized by frequent urine and burning during urination but no white discharge. Pyelonephritis, also known as an upper urinary tract infection can cause nausea, vomiting, or flank pain. Some causes can be Itching or pain in the vagina, known as vaginitis. Urinating with discomfort or burning. Presence of a strange-smelling white discharge.

UTI Treatment

Antibiotics are the most effective way to treat a UTI and alleviate symptoms including pain, burning, and a sudden urge to urinate.

These drugs eliminate the infection-causing microorganisms. It's crucial to take these exactly as your doctor advised. If you don't treat a small UTI, it could develop into a dangerous kidney tumour or blood infection. Your urine culture result will determine the antibiotic you receive and how long you should take it.

To determine whether you have a UTI, your doctor will collect a urine sample. It will let your doctor know what kind of microorganisms caused your infection. Depending on how complicated your infection is, you'll need a different treatment and dose.

How to get rid of UTI:

You can usually prevent a urinary tract infection (UTI) with lifestyle changes. These tips can help you to get rid of UTI 

    •  Drink a lot of liquids, especially water: Urine can be diluted by drinking water. As a result, you urinate more frequently, allowing you to wash bacteria out of your urinary tract before an illness develops.

    • Switch to cranberry juice: Studies examining the possibility that cranberry juice shields against UTIs are preliminary. Cranberry juice consumption is probably safe.

    • From front to back, wipe: Do this following a bowel movement and urination. It aids in limiting the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the urethra and vagina.

    • Empty your bladder, post-sexual intercourse: Additionally, chug a full glass of water to help wash away microorganisms.

    • Avoid feminine items or products that can irritate you: They can irritate the urethra when used in the genital area. Sprays, powders, and douches are some of these products.

Signs that your UTI is going away

While playing hide and seek as a child may have been enjoyable, dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI) is not a game anyone wants to engage in! UTIs could spread to the kidneys if not treated, endangering them permanently. 

People often ask what the signs are that your UTI is going away, but it does not have a specific answer. You can observe the signs that your UTI is going away by following some steps to avoid it mentioned in the blog and consulting a professional doctor for better help.

How to prevent UTI:

 You can do these easy steps or measures. Some home remedies for UTI:

    • Avoid using scented soap

    • In case you need to urinate, don't hold it in.

    • When urinating, take your time and strive to empty your bladder.

    • Wearing nylon or other tight, synthetic underwear is not advised.

    • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it may irritate your bladder.

    • Avoid consuming a lot of sugary foods and beverages since they may promote the growth of bacteria.

    • Avoid using spermicidal lube-containing condoms, diaphragms, or caps; instead, use non-spermicidal lube or a different method of birth control.

Finally, one of the most frequent urological conditions in women and one of the most prevalent bacterial infections are urinary tract infections (UTI). It is viewed as a serious health risk. You can't know how to prevent UTI by just self-diagnosis hence it is important to keep a check on your body and consult a professional in case of any condition happening in your body which is unusual. It is essential to understand UTI as almost all women go through UTI at least once in their lifetime or maybe more as it is a recurring infection. So it is necessary to have the knowledge to prevent it from happening again.

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When should you consider taking help from a professional?

Contact the healthcare professional immediately if you experience any of the prior listed urinary tract infection symptoms. UTI treatment should not be delayed as the infection can become more severe. Call the healthcare practitioner if your symptoms worsen after a UTI diagnosis. You could require a different kind of care. Pay attention to the changes happening.

UTI treatment is highly efficient and can help you feel better soon, and you can see the signs your UTI is going away. You can contact Dr Ashish Saini, a highly qualified urologist in Delhi who can help you with these problems. He provides consultation online and offline, which makes your life easier as you can figure out the options of either going to the clinic or taking an online consultation.


1. How long does a UTI last?

Most UTIs are treatable. Most of the time, symptoms of a bladder infection disappear 24 to 48 hours after starting treatment. The symptoms of a kidney infection may not go away for a week or more.

2. How to prevent UTI?

You can contact a qualified specialist about UTI treatment and its prevention. Ask them about the measures to avoid these infections.

3. How to get rid of a UTI fast?

It's a very asked question about how to get rid of a UTI. Make an appointment with a doctor immediately if you suspect you have a UTI and you can see signs your UTI is going away. Taking an antibiotic to eradicate the bacteria causing your infection is the quickest method to feel well.

4. Can you have sex with a UTI?

Doctors typically advise having complete abstinence from sex until the infection has cleaned up. This is due to the possibility that having sex will aggravate the illness by irritating the urinary tract and pushing bacteria into the urethra.

5. Can sperm cause urinary tract infections?

Intimacy can also be one of the causes of urinary tract infections. Sexual activity can transfer UTI-causing bacteria from the vagina and other locations to the urethra. Use a diaphragm or spermicides (creams that destroy sperm) in conjunction with a diaphragm or condoms as a method of birth control.

6. What causes UTI in women?

Bacteria that enter the urinary tract through the urethra and start to spread in the bladder are usually what cause UTIs in women. It is the purpose of the urinary system to keep bacteria out. But sometimes, the defences fall apart.