Why Excel Advanced Urology Centre is the best option for Shockwave Therapy?
We have extensive experience and specialized training in administering Shockwave Therapy, ensuring safe and effective treatment. We pride ourselves on using the latest technology and techniques, providing you with the best possible care.What is Shockwave therapy

Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED) is a non-invasive treatment aimed at improving erectile function and restoring sexual performance. This therapy involves the use of low-intensity shockwaves, which are delivered directly to the penis using a specialized device. These shockwaves stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and improve blood flow to the penis, ultimately enhancing erectile function. The treatment typically consists of a series of sessions conducted over several weeks, with each session lasting around 15 to 20 minutes.
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Shockwave therapy is administered with a wand-like device placed near different areas of the penis. A healthcare professional moves the device along parts of your penis for about 15 minutes while it emits gentle pulses. No anesthesia is needed.6 essions are planned at our centre with a gap of days The pulses trigger improved blood flow and tissue remodeling in the penis. Both of these changes can lead to erections sufficient for sex.You can CALL US or make an appointment using the online forms at the links below

Advantages of Shockwave therapy
- Non-invasive
- Safe
- Effective
- Long-lasting results
- No downtime
- Minimal discomfort
- Improves sexual performance
- Non-pharmaceutical
- Potential alternative to other treatments
- Convenient and discreet
Side effects of Shockwave therapy
They are rare and generally mild. These may include:- Pain at the site during the procedure,
- Bleeding or bruising on and around the penis,
- Blood in the urine,
- Skin infection on the penis,
- Painful erection, or
- Penile curvature that worsens.
Is Shockwave Therapy Safe
Clinical studies have generally shown shockwave therapy to be effective and safe. Unlike surgical procedures or pharmaceutical treatments, shockwave therapy does not involve incisions, needles, or medication, reducing the risk of adverse reactions and complications. The treatment is well-tolerated by most individuals, with minimal side effects such as temporary discomfort or tingling sensations during the procedure.What Is the Shockwave Therapy for Ed Cost in India?
The cost of shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED) in India can vary depending on the clinic and location. On average, the cost for a full treatment course, which might be referred to as a “season,” is around ₹12,000. It’s worth noting that prices can differ based on factors such as the expertise of the healthcare provider, the facility’s reputation, and any additional services included in the treatment package.You can CALL US or make an appointment using the online forms at the links below
When is Shockwave therapy needed?
Shockwave therapy is typically recommended for patients who do not respond well to medication or do not want more invasive treatments. Shockwave therapy is typically used in the following situations:- Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Peyronie’s Disease
- Vasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction
- Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction
- Post-Prostatectomy Erectile Dysfunction
What would disqualify me from Shockwave therapy
- Severe erectile dysfunction
- Penile implant
- Active genital infection
- Bleeding disorders
- Severe heart disease
- Recent use of blood-thinning medications
- Pregnancy
- Severe kidney or liver disease
- Certain neurological disorders